General Details
Accurate monitoring of:

  1. Oil-in-Water
  2. Solids-in-Water
  3. Turbidity

DECKMA HAMBURG GmbH are proud to announce the launch of an all new Oil-in-Water Monitor, the “OMD-7 MKII Industrial Monitor”, designed to measure the content of Free Oils, Suspended Solids and Turbidity in Water continuously and independently. This design represents the first all new Industrial Monitor capable of distinguishing between the different characteristics of Oil particles, Solid particles and Water Turbidity on a continuous basis. The OMD-7 MKII comprises a compact Measuring Cell, Monitor with integral Computer Unit and Monochrome Alphanumeric Display as well as our proven Sample Conditioning Unit (SCU) for sample processing.

The measurement method employs light scattering as the base technique but uses a novel concept whereby multiple wavelength lightsources combined with multiple detector angles are used to differentiate between the various contaminants within the water phase.Great attention has been given to ensure the instrument construction is rugged whilst remaining easy to use. The proven Automatic Cell Cleaning Device, as used on our OMD range of products, has been incorporated to ensure the Measuring Cell remains in 100% optimum condition throughout even the most demanding of applications.All variable operational parameters can be adjusted on site by key inputs at the Monitor Key Pad. These include Oil, Solids and Turbidity range and Alarm Set Points, Alarm Time Delays and Frequency of Cleaning Cycle.

By use of this novel Light Scattering technique the OMD-7MKII is capable of measuring Free Oil, Solids and Turbidity in the following applications:

Surface Water Run-Off from Power Stations, Chemical Plants, Refineries and Petroleum Tank Farms. Boiler Condensate returns, Produced Water Discharge from Production Platforms and FPSO’s, Cooling Water in a variety of Industrial environments.

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